

Support our association Universi Aqua, to preserve the environment

“ENVIRONMENTAL and human health depends on you!”

We should learn how to contribute to reduce the critical changes of climate and ecosystems on the planet, caused by Sea pollution and bad quality of WATER.

This is why the Non-profit Organization “Universi Aqua”, conceived and committed itself to produce this international Festival dedicated to Water, where everyone from all over the world is invited to give voice and tell the situation of their territory. They have the opportunity to show, through films, their ideal or real landscape, reporting  pollution episodes which affect the environment, and exploring their origin, to help finding a solution.

Besides the prize Aqua & The Environment, we have therefore set up the section, out of competition,  Brother Sea, as well as the simultaneous competition Aqua & Students, to give young people the opportunity of learning to protect this vital element.

If you would like to help us spreading this important social message, precious for our survival, it is sufficient to show your support, also through a small contribution, by making a free donation with PayPal – all credit cards are accepted clicking the following key “Make a donation”:

You can make your donation also by wire transfer, using the following bank details:

  • Associazione di Volontariato Universi Aqua
  • IBAN: IT49M0100503225000000001953

To give a contribution in anonymous form, it is possible to make a donation during the Aqua Film Festival event.

For each donation of at least 15,00 € you will have the possibility of free participation to the upcoming Aqua Film Festival, with reserved seats dedicated to our supporters.

Your consciousness will feel to have made something good to help yourself as well as all the inhabitants of our planet. Thank you!