
Gian Stefano Spoto

Gian Stefano Spoto


Gian Stefano Spoto, from Bologna, began his journalistic career in the late 1970s, working with Il Resto del Carlino, Cosmopolitan, Corriere Medico, Secolo XIX and several other newspapers.

In 1988, he joined RAI, where two years later he was special correspondent, then chief of the Emilia-Romagna newsroom.

In 1996, he moved to Rome , Rai Tg2, then deputy director of Raidue and Rai Internazionale.

When the Gaza war broke out, in 2014, he was Rai correspondent from the Middle East, and from this experience he drew two books, Mediorientati (Ianieri) and Deserto Bianco (Graphofeel).

On Raiuno, where he was an executive, he presented Linea Verde Orizzonti. On Raidue he has managed around 150 programmes, creating and hosting some of them, including Futura city, three series on the technology of the future, but on a human scale.

From this programme came Un futuro che viene da lontano (Franco Angeli) written with sociologist Giorgio Pacifici and a novel, Most (Armando Curcio).

One Hundred and Fifty Indies (Curcio) is a photographic book with images by the author, which recounts life in the sub-continent and celebrates a century and a half since the birth of Emilio Salgari.

He currently collaborates with several newspapers and edits UGHJ , an online magazine in fifteen languages on the right to health with contributors from all over the world.

Last September his sixth  publication:  Dive, the women and the men of Marlene Dietrich (Graphofeel): the diva  recounts herself and an unimaginable 900.

Sea fan,  decent yachtsman, he lives in Caparica, Portugal, a surfers’ paradise, and spends  holidays in his beloved Greece.