

Aqua Film Festival VIII Edition

under the patronage of:

UNESCO - Commissione Nazionale Italiana

La Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l’UNESCO, istituita nel 1950, ha lo scopo di favorire la promozione, il collegamento, l’informazione, la consultazione e l’ esecuzione dei programmi UNESCO in Italia.

L’esistenza della Commissione discende da un preciso obbligo di carattere internazionale (Convenzione di Londra del 16 novembre 1945); peraltro, analoghe entità sono operative in quasi tutti i 195 Paesi membri dell’UNESCO.

With the support of WWAP UNESCO

Hosted and led by UNESCO, the United Nations World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) coordinates the work of the UN-Water members and partners in the World Water Development Report (WWDR), the voice of the United Nations on the state, use and management of the world’s freshwater resources.


RAI is the concessionaire of the Public Radio and Television Service and operates in the interest of the community.
By virtue of this mandate, RAI grants partnerships to public and private, local and national organizations to promote, among other things, the social and cultural development of citizens.

Ministero Ambiente e Sicurezza Energetica

The Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security is the government body in charge of implementing environmental policy.


UNICEF Italy is part of the global structure of UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund, a UN body whose mandate is to protect and promote the rights of children and adolescents worldwide and to contribute to the improvement of their living conditions. UNICEF mission is to fix the rights of all children, especially the most disadvantaged and excluded, at the heart of the political and social agenda of every Government. Our values – focussed on the rights of the child and more generally on human rights, in defence of peace and with a fairness-centred approach – have never changed: fighting against poverty and promoting equity by reaching the most vulnerable ones is possible and must be a long-term investment.

UNICEF in Italy has the double purpose of raising funds to support UNICEF’s programmes in developing countries and to advocate and promote the rights of children and adolescents.


Sponsorship of the Municipality of Rome for the initiative: “Aqua Film Festival VIII Edition – Premi Paladino del Mare e Cavaliere dell’Acqua”

Italian Ports Association

The Italian Ports Association brings together the main ports in the country. It provides strategic and updated information on major issues concerning ports and the maritime industry.

The 57 main Italian Ports have now been organized into 15 new Port System Authorities, coordinated by the National Coordination Conference established at the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport.

“ENEA is the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, a public body aimed at research, technological innovation and the provision of advanced services to enterprises, public administration and citizens in the sectors of energy, the environment and sustainable economic development (article 4, Law no. 22 of 28 December 2015)”.

The Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), by authority of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), provides discipline, regulation and management of national sports activities. Coni is a public entity responsible for the organisation and strengthening of national sports and the promotion of maximum proliferation of sport. 

Thanks to the support of CONI, we will underline the importance of water sports for our health and understanding and knowledge of nature, as well as obviously hosting the great champions who have done us proud worldwide

Federazione Italiana Vela

For over 80 years, the Italian Sailing Federation, by statute, has placed the promotion of love for the sea, teaching and dissemination of nautical and sailing culture at the center of its activities.

Thousands of instructors have raised millions of sailors and rooted a solid passion in a country that seems strategically designed to go to sea.

Honorary Consulate of the Principality of Monaco in Florence

According to the Vienna Convention dating to the 24th April 1963, the Honorary Consulate of the Principality of Monaco in Florence, in the person of the Honorary Consul Dott. Alessandro Antonio Giusti, has many functions: in particular it deals with the mutual development of commercial, social, economic, cultural and scientific relationships between the Principality of Monaco and the area of jurisdiction of this Consulate, which involves the regions of Tuscany and Umbria. In order to achieve this aim, the Consulate organises every year many activities in various fields and, in active collaboration with the local autorities, it provides assistance to the Monegasques who are resident or just present in these areas, to the Public Institutions, to the economic Operators and, in general, to people that are interested in the Principality of Monaco.

UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union

UNIMED, the Mediterranean Universities Union, founded in October 1991, is an association of Universities from the countries of the Mediterranean basin.

It counts 113 Universities coming from 23 countries of both shores of Mediterranean (data updated to November 2018).


Federation of Public Utilities, Culture, Tourism, Sports and Leisure

Federculture is the National federation that groups Regions, Municipalities, Local Utility Companies and all subjects that manage cultural, tourism, leisure and sports services.

Federculture supports the economical and social growing processes of local realities, promoting an efficient and effective management of museums, theatres, libraries, parks, archaeological sites and tourism as well as sports systems.

Federculture is, therefore, the national referee for foundations, associations, public companies, institutions, consortiums and public enterprises acting in the sector, always boosting their birth and supporting their development.


Il cinema negli ospedali come Modello di cura e sollievo
MediCinema Italia Onlus è un’associazione no-profit fondata nel 2013 su modello di MediCinema UK,
charity attiva dal 1996 per “relief therapy” in reparti pediatrici oncologici.
Dal 2014, con il patrocinio del Ministero della Salute, MediCinema Italia propone l’utilizzo del cinema a
scopo curativo e riabilitativo all’interno di strutture ospedaliere e case di cura (Centro Clinico Nemo Milano eRoma; Spazio Vita-AUS Niguarda Milano; Policlinico A. Gemelli Roma; Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda Milano; Casa Ronald-Fondazione per l’infanzia Ronald McDonald di Brescia) con monitoraggio medico scientifico a supporto degli interventi offerti.


NUOVOIMAIE gestisce e tutela i diritti connessi maturati dagli artisti, interpreti o esecutori del settore musica e del settore audiovisivo a far data dal 14 luglio 2009 (legge 100/10).
La legge sul diritto d’autore – LDA n. 633 del 1941- attribuisce agli artisti interpreti o esecutori che abbiano prestato la propria opera per realizzare una registrazione fonografica o un’opera cinematografica e/o assimilata, diritti volti a tutelare il valore delle loro prestazioni artistiche e a garantire che essi ottengano un ritorno economico dalla diffusione, dalla pubblica comunicazione e dall’utilizzazione delle loro opere.