
Alessandra Canale

Alessandra Canale


Alessandra Canale, born in Formia in the province of Latina, graduated in law and literature from La Sapienza University of Rome. She is a non-practising lawyer, married and mother of a child.

Until July 2016 she was an announcer of television programs at Rai. She has hosted and presented many television programs such as “Il Sabato dello Zecchino”, “Il Processo del Monday”, “Torno Sabato” and “Capotavola”, and participated in “Dancing with the Stars”. A freelance journalist registered with the Order of Lazio since 1989, she is also the author of several books, including “Le Pagine Gialle della TV” (1996), “La Ragazza del Carrubo” (1997) and the collection of recited fairy tales “Ti voglio raccontare una storia ” and “Vi voglio  Bene” (2004).

She is a board member of the Washington-based Icon Association, IWF.