
Gloria Vancini

Gloria Vancini


Gloria was born in Parma.Her father is Florestano Vancini, her mother is Liliana.

As a very jong child, she goes to live in Rome. Her father start there his careee.

She start as young lady to have a profound connection with the movie and the showbusinnes world, becouse the work of her father, that she introduce her to his world. She helpt him as a assistant director and a script supervisor.

She managed also his pubblic- relations during international en national movie festivals. Now she goes on in his memory organizing showing of his movies,discussions and conferences.

She made little appearances in some movies of her father.

At the moment she manage the social media accounts of Florestano Vancini, the press reviews and the cultural events.

She is a fanatic ‘ movie – watcher ‘ and a connoisseur of Italian and foreign movies world.

She have still very good contacts in the Italian movies world with several actors,directors,composers,screenwriters,reviewers,writers,University professors, politicians,producers,musicians,dubbing actors,editors,costum designers and make-up artists

itari, politici, produttori, musicisti, doppiatori, montatori, costumisti e truccatori.